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What is your passion in life?

July 9, 2014

“BRICKLAYING can be great, if a guy knows. If he knows what he’s doing and why and if he can make it come off. When I’m goin’, I mean, when I’m REALLY goin’ I feel like a… like a jockey must feel. He’s sittin’ on his horse, he’s got all that speed and that power underneath him… and he KNOWS… just feels… when to let it go and how much.” — Paul Newman, “The Hustler”

Women truly desire a man with passion. It is not uncommon for a woman to name it as the top priority in her man. That burning look in the eyes of a man who loves what he does. Women love that.

Why do women prioritize passion as one of the top qualities in the men. If a man is passionate on something, this means he has pursued his passion for a long time. He may love exercising, painting, running, travelling, connecting with people. This means he tries to be excellent on this specific skill. He has shiny eyes, he is happy person, and he has stable personality when the things in life go unexpected.

We all know women love confident man. A confident man is like an oak tree, he has not much up and downs in his mood. His personality is a safe harbour for the women who behave according to their emotions. We all know aloof man attract women like the honey attract bees. Passionate men have life energy, they wake up everyday like they are the most important person in the world. Women know that, if they have child and they are depressed, the man should be caring of her and the child. If the man has some kind of passion in his life, that means he will not be depressed easily. He will take care of her when she is depressed.

If this quality is so important, then what is my passion?

I love exercising. In the last five years, I didn’t quit exercising for more than 2 weeks. This means that I always followed a nutritional diet. Though, I don’t have six pack, I have fit body and I feel good. I randomly ask people to guess my age, and they tell me 5-7 years younger than my actual age. This is mainly related to the exercising which brings a discipline to my lifestyle.

I love travelling and meeting with different people, especially women. I don’t like hanging up with the same friends every time, though it has advantages as well. I sometimes go to holidays alone, and this gives me opportunity to talk with many people.

Knowledge is my passion. I like to read and learn everything. From psychology to history, every topic is interesting. I love reading on different topics, especially psychology. I like to watch people and analyze their personality. I like evolutionary psychology and anthropology too. Seeking knowledge and practicing this knowledge on real people make me excited.

I love chess. The feeling that my future is determined by my actions is good. I win, I was good, no luck was the factor. I fail, I wasn’t as good as the opponent.

There can be more to be written down in the future. These are my passions for the moment, and they take my most time.

From → Inner Game, Self-Help

  1. when girls say they want “a man with passion” they usually mean “in the man’s career.” they are not going to be interested if your passion is collecting barbie dolls or being a sanitation worker. they don’t care about that passion. that’s why they also say they want a man with “ambition.” gold-diggers.

    • You are right, this is true for gold diggers. On the other hand, we are not looking for the diggers, right? If a man has ambition and passion, it means he has a healthy, stable, confident personality, aka strong inner game.
      Women dig strong personalities.

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